
Softcover, spiral-bound, digital printing
300 x 240 mm, 40 pages
With texts in German, Dutch, French, English language by Katrin Kamrau, Welmer Keesmaat, Elisabeth Pichler, Marie Lécrivain
Published by La Houle, Brussels, 2020
ISBN 978-2-930733-04-3

Following Katrin Kamrau’s exhibition 18 x 24 cm (Tique Art Space, Antwerp), Enkel gathers a series of images discovered by the artist in the Lieven Gevaert archive in Mortsel (Belgium). This book reproduces these worksheets — photographs and dimension specifications for their reproduction — used in the context of a traveling exhibition; entitled Vastberaden Vrouwen [Resolute women], celebrating the centenary of the International Council of Women. This event was organised in 1988 by a collective gathered around Denise de Weerdt, Belgian historian and gender studies pioneer. Katrin Kamrau reproduces this proof sheet, heretofore preserved in the archives, in the form of a spiral-bound notebook oscillating between photographic and archival practice in which the document is composed of the photographic miniatures as well as their surrounding indications. While highlighting the material dimension of her support, Katrin Kamrau draws attention to the incomplete remnants of a herstory of feminism. — Marie Lécrivain